Title Sequences: Influences

The title sequences from The Twilight Zone drew on a range of Surrealist and Dadaist sources. Symbols and icons including the eyeball, the whirling vortex, the mannequin, the door, and the clock derive directly from avant-garde art and film, as seen in Salvador Dalí’s Persistence of Memory, Marcel Duchamp’s film Anémic Cinéma, and the Large Glass, and René Magritte’s Victory.



The Twilight Zone title sequences: season three, 1961; season one, 1959; season four, 1962.


Anemic Cinema       

Image result for Opening Magritte Victory

(Top left) screen capture, Marcel Duchamp, Anémic Cinéma, 1926, black and white film; (top right) Salvador Dalí, Persistence of Memory, 1931, oil on canvas, Museum of Modern Art. © 2017 Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; (bottom) René Magritte, Victory, 1939. Oil on canvas, Private collection. © 2017 C. Herscovici /Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York